
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Make America Great Again

Another shooting, this time in California, and this time an elementary school as the target.  Conclusion:  Guns don’t kill people, people kill people and we do not need to restrict gun ownership in the United States.  We are safer with more guns out there.

Trump is averaging 5.5 lies per day 7 days per week since his inauguration.  He tweeted sympathy to Texas instead of California for the most recent shooting.  Conclusion:  Trump remains a competent President worthy of support.

16,000 scientists from 184 countries sign a letter to humanity warning us that planet earth is in serious trouble and if we do not do something the damage will be irreversible.  Conclusion:  Human impact on climate change is an unsubstantiated theory so we do not need to worry.  Oil companies continue to prosper.

Every nation on the planet except the United States signs the Paris Accords calling for a reduction in fossil fuel pollution of our atmosphere.  Conclusion:  Human impact on climate change is an unsubstantiated theory so we do not need to worry.  Oil companies continue to prosper.

Fox news anchor supports pedophile senatorial candidate.  Keurig pulls ads from his show.  Conclusion:  Keurig is wrong and we should trash our Keurig coffee makers.  Keurig backs off.

Surgeon General determines that smoking cigarettes may cause lung cancer and heart disease, and also true for second-hand smoke.  Conclusion:  seriously enforce restrictions on purchasing cigarettes, ban smoking in all public places, shame smokers and dramatically reduce consumption in US.  Tobacco companies lose money.

It is clear that the proposed tax plan only helps the top 3% of income earners and corporations in this country.  It hurts middle and lower class working Americans.  It dramatically cuts social security benefits and Medicare benefits.  Conclusion:  Congress is determined to pass the plan and many middle class and lower class Americans support the plan.

In the history of walls, no wall over time has ever kept people out or in.  Ever.  Conclusion:  we need to spend billions of dollars to build a wall to keep some people out.

Conservative Christians want to see the government endorse their religious beliefs and make them law.  Conclusion:  time to end the separation of church and state just as ISIS, Taliban, and Al Qaeda propose.

Athletes choose to exercise their Constitutional rights to peacefully protest the treatment of African Americans at the hands of law enforcement.  Conclusion:  Those athletes are un-American, un-patriotic and the NFL should be boycotted.

Except for tobacco it appears that every time we attempt to value human life and liberty over making money or enforcing the beliefs of some, such values lose. 

I agree.  It is time to make America great again.  A nation that stands for liberty, freedom, protects the rights of minorities, protects the rights of people who have diverse religious beliefs, values human life and health over corporate profit, protects the health of every American, not just the rich, and says to the world, we will do what is right no matter what the cost.  Our current America has abandoned all of that.  We have endorsed fear, bigotry, and ego-centrism.  That is not progress.  That is the path to war, not peace; conflict not leadership; judgment not tolerance; polarization not community.   

Why can’t we see that?  Our beliefs conflict with our logic.  Logic is losing.  When they look back on the late, great US of A and the paths we chose, they will say the seeds of our destruction were obvious.  It was not moral decline, it was the insistence that my morals, my beliefs, no matter how wrong or harmful become law. 

Please make America great again while we still have time.

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