
Saturday, November 18, 2017

How to Change the World

We are in a dismal state of affairs as a nation and as a planet.  In so many ways we have discovered what does not work and we are doing those same things more and more.  It occurs to me that just a few interventions could dramatically alter the path we are pursuing, a path that I believe leads to self-destruction.

Power.  Our systems are built on the notions that electricity and fossil fuels provide our power.  It is those two notions that have most contributed to the state of our climate and the political hegemony on this planet.  We must master fusion.  Or solar.  Clean.  Limitless.  Once mastered and all corners of the planet have access to free power the world will change.  Hunger could end.  Pollution could end.  Disease could end.  Once power is as available to all in the same way that air is available to all our world will look very different.  It will look better.

Beliefs.  The largest obstacle to peace on the planet is an array of belief systems that seek to set policy, control people, and have their own way.  It is difficult to argue with “believers” because facts, science, logic hold no sway over those entrenched and intransigent.  But we must abandon our religious beliefs.  They are all false.  Once our decisions are made based on logic, science, math and standard ethical assumptions conflict on our planet will virtually disappear.  And the key ethical assumption underlying all our decisions is that all humans are equal and are entitled to civil liberties.  Religion is the source of much of the political and social and ethical conflict on this planet.  We can disagree, but one side will not be convinced they are right because some god is on their side making compromise impossible and war inevitable.

Education.  We absolutely must provide the very best education possible to every person on this planet.  We have institutionalized ignorance.  We have tolerated lies.  We have tolerated beliefs grounded in nonsense.  Women are denied an education in way too many places.  Children of all stripes do not receive quality education because of local customs and religious beliefs.  But until everyone on the planet is capable of digesting an ever growing array of facts and reaching conclusions, until everyone on the planet is capable of critical decision making, until everyone on the planet speaks the common languages of science, math, literature and the arts we are doomed to remain an ignorant and self-destructive species.  Privatizing the source of education is not the answer.  All must receive the very best.  And those who teach much be honored and valued more than those who play games, buy property, provide entertainment, and pollute the atmosphere.  Knowing, thinking and problem solving should be our most desired abilities.  Such abilities are only obtained via education.

OK.  That’s just for starters.  Accomplish these three biggies and we will be well on our way to living in peace on a planet we are not destroying where each human is valued.  Sounds like noble goals to me.

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