
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Trump's Rules

I love NCIS.  It occurs to me that if Trump was Gibbs he would have rules to follow:

Trump Rule #1. If evidence indicates something negative about me, attack the source.

Trump Rule #2: If evidence indicates something negative about me declare the evidence "fake."

Trump Rule #3: If evidence indicates something negative about me claim a conspiracy is afoot.

Trump Rule #4: If evidence indicates something negative about me offer other fabricated evidence. Lie.

Trump Rule #5: Fire anyone who does not support Rules 1 to 4.

Trump Rule #6: Hire anyone who is a family member.

Trump Rule #7: In areas of total lack of knowledge claim extraordinary expertise.

Trump Rule #8: Demand loyalty, right or wrong, good or bad, truth or lies.

Trump Rule #9: Offend allies and praise dictators.

Trump Rule #10: Objectify women.  Make inappropriate remarks to women perceived as either attractive or unattractive.

Trump Rule #11:  Determine the potential value of a person’s contribution by that person’s wealth, not knowledge, experience, training or philosophy.

Trump Rule #12:  To be happy dictate, discriminate, accumulate, isolate, fornicate.

Trump Rule #13: Claim Christianity but pray there really is no God.

(additional thoughts as of 7/26/17)

Trump Rule #14:  It is OK to discriminate against all humans who lack the characteristics I was born with:  Anglo, male, heterosexual.  I was born with these characteristics because I am so smart.

Trump Rule #15:  It is OK to talk about myself and my issues and my view of the world everywhere I go because everyone wants to know. My thoughts are the best thoughts.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Why is National Health Care so Difficult for Republicans?

I will confess that watching the Republicans struggle with repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act has been one of the most amusing political events I have ever observed.  It is not that Republicans are stupid.  Nor is it that these events are without serious consequence.  It is that they are attempting to accomplish something that is totally outside their nature to accomplish.  Hence the twists and turns, and dead ends, and wringing of hands, and overall angst about the notion of a Republican Health Care Plan.  Such a plan is the equivalent of a Hulk School of Charm or of a James Bond Monogamy Seminar or an Elon Musk Improved Internal Combustion Engine.  Such efforts are just the antithesis of their nature, so any and all efforts are just, well, funny.  The very phrase, Republican Health Care Plan or a Trump Health Care Plan is so oxymoronic that I giggle and squirm and miss George Carlin very much.

Republicans do not believe that the government should provide anything to our citizens much beyond military protection.  They do not believe in regulating business for the purpose of worker safety, they do not believe in monitoring our environment to eliminate hazards and long-term negative impact, they do not believe in monitoring our food and water for safe consumption, they do not believe in earned governmental benefits like Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid.  They do not believe in food subsidies for the hungry.  They do not believe in public education for the masses.  They do not believe in government providing anything other than the fertile ground on which money can be made.  So to task a group with this mindset to design and develop a national health care plan that may actually help many of our citizens is an impossible task for them.  They cannot do it without hurting someone because they do not believe they can or should help anyone.

It was oh so easy to attack the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare as they called it.  It was a boondoggle, a government giveaway, an organizational disaster, harmful to the wealthy insurance companies and more limiting for the very wealthy medical practitioners and hospitals; something that never should have happened, etc., etc.  It was oh so easy to promise to repeal this act and replace it with something better.  But now that they have won control of the Executive and Legislative branches of our government and have set their sights on controlling the Judicial branch, they are flat stuck.  How in the world could folks with this belief system ever develop a program that will help those who need it the most?  So we hear crazy talk like cut food stamps to fund health care, cut social security or Medicare or Medicaid to fund health care, etc.  In other words, they only way they can imagine providing a service or a safety net for American citizens is to take away another service or safety net.  If they can do so and have a net sum zero game, maybe they can convince the most conservative among us that they have fulfilled their campaign promise.

And I roll and giggle.

Give it up guys and gals.  You are not capable of accomplishing your commitment.  You can develop a plan that hurts everyone, and especially hurts those who need support the most, but it is impossible for you to conceive of universal health care for the citizens of the United States.  The best you could do is hire a bunch of Democrats to write the plan for you and then get behind it.  Oh yeah, we tried that once and you did not get behind it.  No worries, your own health care will be provided for you and you will not suffer from your inability to provide such a service to others.  You are safe for now.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Brand New Freedoms in the USA!

We celebrate our Declaration of Independence today and take special note of the freedoms we enjoy.  It occurs to me we have freedoms to celebrate this year we have not had in years, or ever.  Here is my list of brand spanking new freedoms in the land of the free and the home of the brave:

The freedom to judge any race or ethnicity publicly and in a pejorative way.  For the longest time we shunned bigots.  We shunned those who would describe a person from any racial or ethnic group in a stereotypical prejudicial way.  No more!  Now, led by the President himself we can make snide remarks about Hispanics, Mexican-Americans, Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians, Chinese, Saudi Arabians, etc.  So feel free to blast a religious or racial group based on your limited understanding and not be shunned by others.

The freedom to openly practice misogyny.  For the longest time we have shunned those people who looked down on women, who treated them as second-class citizens, or as mere sex objects.  Now, led by the President himself we can make all kinds of snide remarks about women and suffer no ill consequences from enlightened men or radicalized women.  We can make references to their looks, their sex appeal, their menstrual cycle, etc.  We can even joke about grabbing their genitals.  Now that every woman who supports Trump evidently is in favor of having her genitals grabbed men are much more free to treat women in ways that has never been allowed before! 

The freedom to openly criticize people with a sexual identity or sexual preference different than straight forward heterosexuality.  For the longest we have been working to treat human beings as human beings regardless of their sexual orientations.  Now, led by the President himself, we can ignore those people, deny them simply civil liberties such as adopting kids and getting married and suffer no negative consequences.  Not since Biblical times has such freedom to persecute ever been more supported by a governing body.

Companies and corporations have many more freedoms today as well.

Companies and corporate heroes can now use their own bigotry as a source of criteria for employment.  If a company opposes the existence of homosexual people or homosexual couples they can be denied employment.  Likely any company can deny employment now to women and other minorities as well.

Companies and corporate heroes can now give money without limit to political candidates they support.  And since conservative candidates are supported more by large companies than liberal candidates, conservatives have been elected in increasing numbers thanks to the unfettered gifts of wealthy conservatives.  Now this is a freedom with real benefits.  I give away millions to someone who supports the above freedoms, because they now have more money than the other candidates they win, and now the law reflects my new freedoms!  So cool.

Companies and corporations now can construct, produce and operate anything they want to without worrying about the impact to land, air, water or other living things.  What a great freedom!  We can put more people to work destroying the planet than ever before and pretend like we are not destroying the planet while maintaining our addiction to fossil fuels.  This new freedom must have come straight from the mind of God.

No, there is another new freedom that is much more likely to have come straight from the mind of God:  Companies and corporations may give any amount of money they want to a religious organization and receive tax deductions for such gifts.  Those religious organizations can now give those dollars to any candidate they choose or to support any cause they choose.  Best of all, the religious groups do not have to pay taxes themselves!  Churches remain tax exempt while funding political candidates, endorsing political candidates and aligning with certain causes.  Truly the ability for the wealthy to launder money through he church as tax exempt, allow the church to spend such money as they choose and allow the church to remain tax exempt is a new freedom inspired by all that Jesus taught.

So there you have it.  The new American freedoms we have not had before nor have we been able to celebrate before.  God Bless the USA!  Happy Fourth of July!