
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Is It Possible?

As I watch the news and read Facebook it appears to me I must live in a parallel universe.  Evidently, I believe contrary and contradictory things.  Deeply.

Is it possible that I truly respect, value, admire and support our law enforcement officers while hating every single time an unarmed person dies at the hands of police, especially Blacks?

Is it possible that I truly respect, value, admire and support our armed services and our veterans while hating the wars that they have been sent to fight, especially when I see those wars as politically motivated?

Is it possible that I support private gun ownership while hating how easy it is for anyone to get a gun and the sheer number of guns out there?

Is it possible that I have deep religious feelings while hating any believer of anything who wants to force their beliefs on someone else and believes that their beliefs are the only acceptable beliefs?

Is it possible that I deeply support the right of everyone to have their own opinions and attitudes while hating attacks on anyone else’s opinions as though people who think differently are fools and idiots?

Is it possible that I love America and deeply support the Constitution while hating the attacks on our own government from within and the unwillingness to support dissidence even if one disagrees with the dissidents?

Is it possible that I am a financially comfortable heterosexual Anglo male while hating poverty, bigotry and discrimination based on race, gender, and gender identity?

Is it possible that I promote reading, writing, and thinking on divergent topics and with divergent sources while hating those who would censor anything shared with kids at school that is in opposition to their own beliefs?

Is it possible to support a market economy while hating greed as a motivator and immoral production to enhance wealth without oversight?

I believe all of these beliefs are possible because I hold the all these beliefs.  However, my experience remains that if I do not think like the majority I am by definition an evil fool for whom harassment, name calling, and banishment must be justified.  Sadly, such behavior on the part of others continues to re-affirm my beliefs.

Yes, it is possible.  It is just not easy.  

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