
Monday, August 1, 2016

Donald Trump and Archie Bunker

The Norman Lear TV show, “All in the Family” was on the air throughout my twenties.  From 1971 to 1979 Archie Bunker played brilliantly by Carroll O’Connor, embodied the persona of an angry, working class, uneducated bigot.  He assumed the absolute worst about anyone who was not like him and his bombasts were classic.  His son-in-law, Meathead played by Rob Reiner, was the voice of reason, education and open-mindedness.  Meathead cornered Archie all the time and though Archie was a bigot it was pretty clear that thanks to his son-in-law he was coming around if only a little bit.

Some of the time I watched the show I laughed, but I was more prone to get angry at Archie and his angry, negative, prejudicial outlook on the world.  The anger did me no good and surely did not change Archie.  At other times I was just sad knowing there were American citizens who felt this way about women, and minorities, and poor people and the government.  But as I reflect on Archie Bunker I came to a realization.

Donald Trump is Archie Bunker.  His angry, negative, bombastic view of the world totally aligns with Archie’s view of the world 45 years ago, and his speech at the RNC could have played as a political rally in Archie’s neighborhood in Queens.  The biggest difference is Carroll O’Connor knew better and was just playing a part on a TV show.  When Archie and Edith sang the theme song, “Those Were the Days,” they were reflecting on a time gone by when things were good.  And that was In 1971!  Makes sense that Trump continues the theme in the same ignorant vein as Archie.

Theme Song Lyrics:
Boy the way Glen Miller played 
Songs that made the hit parade. 
Guys like us we had it made, 

Those were the days. 

And you knew who you were then, 
Girls were girls and men were men, 
Mister we could use a man 
Like Herbert Hoover again. 

Didn't need no welfare state, 
Everybody pulled his weight. 
Gee our old LaSalle ran great. 
Those were the days.

I have been in shock at the Trump candidacy.  In my wildest dreams I never thought he had a chance.  Surely there was nowhere near enough American citizens who are that angry, that ill-informed, that prejudiced.  And yet, here he is, an Archie Trumper, running for President. 

Sadly, there is no Meathead that Donald hears.  There are no Jeffersons next door as Donald is ensconced in wealth.  He lacks an Edith who will subtly point out his logical flaws.  When he sings “All in the Family” there are more people excluded than included.  Nothing and no one will move Donald Trump toward awakening and enlightenment and any effort to do so will result in a firing or a divorce.  In that way he remains a character sadder and more despicable than Archie Bunker.  

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