
Saturday, June 20, 2020

You Don’t Get America If:

You think we are a melting pot when we are a tossed salad.

You think this country belongs to Anglos.

You oppose protests that disagree with your beliefs. 

You believe this country was founded by God and is Christian.

You think protesting brutality by kneeling during the National Anthem is wrong.

You think blaming the victims of racism absolves you of responsibility.

You think diversity is a disability, not an asset.

You can pat yourself on the back for not being a racist but refuse to become anti-racism.

You can pat yourself on the back for not discriminating against women but refuse to support women’s’ equality movement.

You can pat yourself on the back for not discriminating against other sexual orientations but refuse to support LGBTQ rights.

You think you are free of responsibility because you do not commit sexual assault or physical abuse but refuse to demand that perpetrators of those crimes be held accountable.

You think blaming those who are less successful than you because you think they are inhibiting your success is logical.

You think to persecute, demean, fire, slander those who disagree with you is OK.

You think no man is above the law but support lawless men
You support the notion of democracy but oppose strategies that would increase the number of voters.

You refuse to wear a mask and argue your right is more important than the health or life of others.

You think public service is demeaning and pursuit of wealth is blessed.

You think a non-regulated private sector is best for all.

You think a non-regulated private sector can perform better than a public service.

You believe that those who are hired to serve and protect have no responsibility to serve and protect everyone, including suspects.

You think a free press is a menace to democracy.

You think freedom to assemble, freedom to protest, and freedom of speech should not apply to everyone.

You think modeling nobility and integrity and the value of human rights for all is not our responsibility.

You do not support working toward a more perfect union but prefer to work backward to some glorified past.

You do not support the findings of science and math but trust those who decide by their guts and beliefs.

You can support the end of immigration to the US based on color and religious belief and claim to support freedom.

You do not deeply believe that all humans are created equal and merit inherent human rights.

If you believe all that, you do not get what it means to be an American citizen.

1 comment:

  1. Bob< I so agree with everything you say. You are very brave to opine on these matters.
    Nancy Oden
