
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Simple Things That Could Change America

Climate change continues, glaciers melt, sea level rises, Mar a Lago disappears under the ocean during a Trump dinner.

Fox News begins to scroll across the bottom of their screen, “This site is for entertainment purposes only and should not be construed as actual news.”

The Rush Limbaugh show begins with a disclaimer:  “Rush Limbaugh is a college dropout and has absolutely no expertise in analyzing current or political events.  His comments are his own and do not necessarily reflect reality.”

The Sean Hannity show begins with a disclaimer:  “Sean Hannity is a college dropout and has absolutely no expertise in analyzing current or political events.  His comments are his own and do not necessarily reflect reality.”

The Rachel Maddow show begins with a disclaimer:  “Rachel Maddow is an honor graduate of Stanford University with a degree in political science, is a Rhodes Scholar, and holds a PhD from Oxford University in political science giving her high levels of expertise in analyzing current and political events.  Her comments are based on her expertise and the network totally endorses her content.”

The 700 Club begins to scroll across the bottom of their screen:  “This is a politically partisan fantasy broadcast.  There is no evidence that Jesus ever actually existed and if he did exist there is no evidence he would have held a conservative perspective.”

The Republican Party begins to publish its actual goals:  “Reduce taxes, make the rich richer, deprive poorer people of food, medicine, clothing and education, incarcerate as many minority individuals as possible, convert as many government functions as possible to private sector functions enriching entrepreneurs at the expense of the users, increase the military to enrich government contractors, spread fear of others and fear of loss among the American people, ensure wealthy people and companies donate as much money as possible to ensure Republican victories, deny climate change, deny any negative environmental impact that harms a corporation’s ability to make money, oppose unions and any other worker organization that might somehow limit the authority of the boss, institutionalize discrimination and the Christian religion, deprive as many poor and minority people of voting as possible, deny all facts that indicate these goals, win elections at any cost, end democracy to establish a fascist state controlled by the wealthy.”

Perhaps the above might wake up a few folks.  Then again….

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