
Thursday, October 18, 2018

When Did it Become OK?

I must have missed all the announcements because I do not understand how or when the following happened:

When did it become OK to lie?

When did it become OK to mock others?

When did it become OK to renege on your word?

When did it become OK to publicly express racism?

When did it become OK to put women down in public?

When did it become OK to take pride in bigotry?

When did it become OK for our leaders to engage in adultery, sexual assault and funding a cover up?

When did it become OK to praise infamous dictators who are not our friends and insult our allies?

When did it become OK to say something not nice rather than say nothing at all?

When did it become OK to claim Christianity and move to stop feeding the poor, clothing the needy, welcoming the stranger, healing the sick?

When did it become OK to reduce taxes for the most wealthy while threatening the livelihood and safety nets of the working class and the poor?

When did it become OK to claim your religious beliefs are better than others’ religious beliefs?

When did it become OK to shame protesters?

When did it become OK to attack the freedom of the press?

When did it become OK to drop off the list of the top 20 democratic nations on the planet?

When did it become OK to build walls not bridges?

When did it become OK for America to relinquish its role as world leader for human rights?

When did it become OK to ignore science and risk the planet?

When did it become OK to sexually assault women or men?

When did it become OK to spew nationalism and isolationism, rather than world leadership and global understandings?

Oh, that’s right.  It all became OK on January 20, 2017.

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