
Saturday, October 6, 2018

Kava Naught

Every member of the US Senate must take an Oath of Office to be sworn in as an official Senator.  The Oath is simple:  “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States”.  I will argue that every Senator that voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh today as a judge on the US Supreme Court has violated this oath and should immediately resign their position, or be impeached.

The Constitution is not just the backbone of our democracy, it is where the soul of our democracy resides.  It is a living document.  It has been amended to re-shape our understandings as time, events and circumstances evolved.  Humans cannot own other humans.  Women can vote.  The government may not show favoritism to religion nor prohibit religious people from practicing their religion.  Discrimination is immoral.  Segregation is immoral.  The right of a free press and free speech is critical to the survival of our democracy.  All these elements of our core beliefs are embodied in this hallowed document.

The Supreme Court of the US is the final arbiter of what is aligned with our Constitution and what is not.  This court decides what is constitutional, what is not.  The people appointed to this position are appointed for life so that they will not be subject to the political oscillations that occur; so that they may judge aloof from the pressure of seeking majority support.  They are empowered to protect the weak and the minority.  That is why they have a lifetime appointment.  They by definition must be men and women of integrity, of honesty, of a sense of fairness.  And they must also be men and women of courage for the ruling of the Court may not be popular.  They must arrive at the bench after thorough review and vetting by the Senate to ensure on behalf of the American people that their confirmation of a candidate for the Court meets all these characteristics.

Brett Kavanaugh does not meet these characteristics.  There remains reams of documents the White House refuses to release regarding this man’s former role in the Bush administration.  A thorough review of the accusation of sexual assault was not conducted.  Key witnesses were not interviewed.  Clarifying his perjury was not accomplished.  Further, a man of courage and integrity would have withdrawn from consideration when it was clear that the controversy around his appointment was tearing the country apart, prompting protests and conspiracy theories.  A man of fair mindedness and honesty would not have perjured himself during the hearing process.  A man of wisdom would not have lost his cool and his tears during the hearing.  Only a man who is self-serving would have remained in contention for this appointment.  And in so doing proves he is not worthy of the job.

The fact that members of the Senate do not recognize that simple fact means they are unwilling to defend the Constitution and they must go.  They have placed our government, our citizens and our democracy at great risk by the appointment of this young, shallow man.  We deserve so much better.