
Monday, January 22, 2018


Dear Friend from High School,

I mourn the loss of your friendship.  I mourn that we have reached such a polarized time in our nation that we divorce ourselves from people who think differently.  I do not see myself as an evil man.  I see myself as a man seeking truth, facts, reality and when what I once believed conflicts with the truth I am willing to abandon my beliefs.  Santa Claus is not real.  Women should be able to make reproductive decisions for themselves and not follow the rules made by old white men.  The earth is round, it is billions of years old, we orbit the sun, evolution is a fact, all humans merit love and respect regardless of gender, race, sexual identity, ethnicity, country of origin, and religious belief.  We shall be judged on how we treat the neediest among us, not the richest.  We shall be judged by what we inflict on the only planet we have.  We should build bridges, not walls. 

I know those positions are a minority perspective in Texas, but they are not a minority perspective nationally or internationally.  And I believe tolerance is much more powerful than judgement, listening is more powerful than preaching.  So yes, my friend.  I am a liberal.  I may be the only liberal you know.  And though you took offense when I asked what religious beliefs could support a verified racist, adulterer, sexual predator, liar, and misogynist I was simply seeking to understand how a person of faith could support such a man.  Sad that you saw that as an insult.  Sad that you chose not to give me insight.  Sadder still that rather than seek to understand my perspective you have chosen to run from me. 

I mourn the loss of your friendship.

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