
Monday, October 31, 2016

Clinton and Trump: Down to the Wire

The 2016 Presidential election ends next week.  None too soon for me.  I am sick of watching our nation tear itself apart over the most outlandish campaigns and candidates of the modern era.  This is one for the books and that book becomes the only one I would support burning.

We have a choice between a man who does not believe he can do anything wrong, say anything wrong or ever lose, and a woman who is very scared that someone might find out she did something wrong.  The man harkens back to a time as the model for future greatness that was a terrible time for anyone other than Anglo Americans with steady income and no disabilities.  The women dreams of a future time free of discrimination and rife with opportunity.  Their separate visions of the future are telling, and the model they would use to move toward their vision is equally telling.

Even when Trump was way behind in the polls his response was the polls are wrong.  Even when it appeared clear Clinton would win, he said if Clinton won the election must be rigged.  The man cannot fathom failure or misstep.  There is no compromise in him because he has never had to compromise.  He has never been put in a position other than the boss.  At the risk of being drafted, where he surely would not have been the boss, he dodged.  He does not want to be President as much as he believes he should be the boss of the USA.  He can insult anyone he wants because he is the boss.  He can assume any political or economic position he wants because he is the boss.  His model for male/female relationships was formed in the 1950’s when a woman’s place was in the home or on her back.

Clinton on the other hand has been shaped by the expansion of civil liberties in the 1960’s.  Women, children, minorities have all been the focus of her life’s work and work she has.  She is a Washington insider which may sound like a curse to many and a blessing to some.  She knows how to get things done.  But she carries baggage.  It is not the baggage of discrimination or misogyny, it is the baggage of mistrust arising from her emails, her handling of Benghazi while Secretary of State, and a bunch of random quotes taken out of context from speeches made years ago.  The American people are having a hard time forgiving her for lack of transparency while she claims to be the most transparent candidate. 

The main difference in the shortcomings of the two candidates is that Trump’s shortcomings are revealed via the words out of his own mouth and his own behaviors, while Clinton’s shortcomings are part of the narrative of the Republican Party who argues she is hiding something.  After months and months of hearings and investigations no agency has found any evidence that merits the prosecution of Clinton.  And yet the narrative has become so strong as to be believed by many.

I am oh so worried about this election, not because of whomever the winner is, but because this election will more than anything in recent history reveal America’s core values.  A Trump victory will send a loud and clear message regarding civil rights, inequality of wealth, consumer oriented protection agencies like OSHA, Office of Civil Rights, FDA, etc.  Those agencies will be abandoned while taxes on the wealthy will decrease.  Trump has said he will end the “monopoly” of public education.  Holy Cow.  It will also say that what Trump has said and done is forgivable, and perhaps worse, supportable.

The mere fact that the candidates appear to be running neck-and-neck down to the wire is as discouraging a piece of news as I have heard in a long time.  It should never have been close.  It should never have been Trump.  The fact that it is both is the scariest thing I can think of on Halloween.

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