
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bridge on the Potomac

As I watch the government shutdown continue I remain amazed at the dedication and commitment of the small minds in the Tea Party.  Because I hold our American heritage so sacred I cannot abide using the term Tea Party for this group as it implies they are grounded historically in the fundamentals of American democracy.  Nothing could be further from the truth and they have clearly not understood the lessons of the original Boston Tea Party.  I shall refer to them as TP because I believe that is more fitting in terms of their function and purpose.

I am reminded of Lt. Colonel Nicholson, refusing to work manual labor because he is an officer, he stands at attention in the sun all day, he suffers solitary confinement, and he demands that the bridge be built his way.  And, he gets his way and builds a magnificent bridge.  At the last minute he realizes he has helped the enemy.  He lost sight of the big picture to achieve his own ends, ends that he was driven to accomplish.  Ends that demanded the sacrifice of others.  Ends that were inappropriate.  He built the Bridge on the River Kwai for his Japanese captors.  He did for them what they could not do for themselves and aided the enemy.

I understand that there are folks who oppose the Affordable Care Act.  I understand that they would like to vote to un-fund it, abolish it, whatever.  I believe they have the right to that opinion.  I do not believe that linking that one law to the long term financial reputation of the United States, linking that one law to the operation of the entire United States government, and linking that one law to the thousands who are now unemployed is any more moral or noble than Lt. Colonel Nicholson’s insistence that if he is going to build a bridge for the Japanese it is going to be a damn good bridge.  Nicholson missed the point.  The TP is missing the point.  The TP is in fact accomplishing the aims of Al Qaeda from within.  Is it worth it? 

Raise the debt ceiling.  Get our government running again.  If you have a beef with a law on the books, then introduce other legislation and attempt to get it passed.  Do you not see that if the only way you can eliminate the Affordable Care Act is by blackmailing the nation with a government shutdown, then eliminating the Affordable Care Act is not a popular move?  Do not undermine the government of the United States of America because you are near sighted and stubborn and convicted.  Do not be a Lt. Colonel Nicholson. 

This is not a religious debate; this is a political and economic debate.  In all rational democracies there is an understood assumption that compromise is the only way to move forward and attempt to improve the quality of life for all.  It is also understood that the majority vote becomes the law of the land.  Why do you insist on an irrational approach to democracy?  Why do you insist on assuming a position that is not reflective of the majority?  Do you believe in Democracy?  Or, is it more demagoguery?  Were you a foreign power we would either declare war on you or try you for terrorism for your efforts to dismantle our government.  I do not understand why you cannot see that.

TP:  Do not build a bridge on the river Potomac insisting on your way at the expense of our nation.  Please adhere to democratic principles.  We should not have to remind elected representatives in the United States of America of these basic truths.


  1. I like the TP name! One of our veteran friends told us that he had a report from one of HIS friends who was in attendance at the great Cruz-Palin melodrama at the War Memorial. Evidently the veterans were planning a peaceful event that would protest BOTH political parties and ALL of Congress and then suddenly, out of the woodpile emerged Cruz and Palin and a small army of their own TP people who proceeded to "take over" the peaceful demonstration and turn it into a mega photo- op for ignorant TPs. Even worse - if have heard many dimwitted "patriotic Christian" folks applaud the Dumb and Dumber couple as if they are the new party ticket for 2016 . No mention of the fact that Cruz is from Canada and Palin - lets see, is Alaska a state??

  2. Cruz was born in Canada where they have socialized medicine. Wonder if his mom, and American citizen took advantage of that. Meanwhile, thank goodness, the shutdown is over for now. I truly hope we can stop making policy from the extreme ends of the political spectrum.
