
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Thinking about the Naval Yard

I am deeply saddened by the events at the Washington Naval Yard this week. We continue to see “active shooters” killing people and it makes me sick to my stomach. My heart and prayers go out to the injured and the families of those who lost their lives.

But this event was different. This is the Naval Yard. This is a secure facility, made so by military folk and controlled gates. There are Marines there. The NCIS is there. There are a host of armed, trained, military and law enforcement type folks there. And yet, an active shooter got inside and started killing people.

I am from Texas and this may sound like blasphemy, but these events give me pause as I think about schools and safety. We went round and round here discussing arming employees, hiring officers, trying to decide if we should encourage kids to shelter or run. If the Navy Yard cannot defend itself against such an attack, who are we as public school folks to even try to prevent such an attack on a school building, especially by arming staff or having armed officers present? If many of the victims were shot running out, and such an exodus triggered even more panic, it looks like sheltering in place makes the most sense. I believe no matter what we do to protect schools from active shooters we only deter the wannabees. The serious shooters will get in and wreck havoc wherever. It is like lightning. Unpredictable, unstoppable. Not much we can do to protect all the trees in the forest.

And it continues to worry me that guns are so accessible. Apparently the shooter was delusional and rented an AR-15. A shotgun and handguns were recovered at the scene. And we respond by allowing hand guns inside schools? It is because I am from Texas that I know a handgun is not the weapon to use when confronting an AR-15 or shotgun. It does not make sense to me. Clearly it did not work at the Naval Yard this week.

Just thinking.