Posted yesterday regarding a way to perhaps dramatically improve instruction and allow teachers to teach by doubling the number of teachers. I still like the idea. I slept on it, and thought of some other benefits.
We would eliminate sub costs. With two teachers per assignment there would be no need to hire a sub unless we are talking long term absence. With 2 teachers per assignment stress levels should drop and we would likely have fewer absences anyway.
We would clearly satisfy special education inclusion needs. The "other" teacher could monitor, coach, assist special ed kids, or any kid with difficulty, in each classroom.
We could free up schedules by having RTI, Tier 2, or whatever we call it simultaneously with instruction. In fact, the number of kids needing additional after regular class help should drop tremendously.
Expensive? Yes. Worth it? I think so. Eager to hear what teachers think......
I LOVE this idea. Bake sale anyone?