
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hello, Brody!

Welcome to planet earth, my grandson!  Born Friday, 12/2 and weighing 7.2 pounds and 19.25 inches long you are definitely a "keeper."  I have great confidence in your future as you did a great job in choosing your parents, and I will do all that I can to support you as you mature.  There's no telling what life will be like when you graduate from high school in 2029, but I have confidence that between the love of your family and the man you will become, you will be ready.  No excuses, do your homework.  In the meantime, rest and grow.  Becoming verbal, mobile and housebroken are enough to tackle for a while.

(If people stopped having babies I would have to find another career.  Special thanks to my son and daughter-in-law for keeping me and other educators employed.)


  1. Please tell me that you have archived this in some manner to pass on to your new grandson. Will you change your profile now to inculde "Grandfather"? Congratulations!!! Children can never have to many people love them!
