
Saturday, July 13, 2019

Who's Left?

I am wondering about my fellow Americans.  Perhaps you will know the answers and can provide insight:

Who’s left that believes climate change is not real and is not influenced by human behavior?  Anyone?  If so, how can they believe the reams and reams of science and data that show otherwise?  If so, are they professional ostriches or just ignorant?  I have to believe that anyone who can read has learned we are in deep dodo of our own making and must act immediately to save the only planet we have.  If there is someone who does not know this they should automatically qualify as having a mental health issue.  Like the high council of Krypton ignoring Jor-El we play dumb at our own peril.

Who’s left that believes Trump is an honest man?  He has told over 10,000 documented lies in his 2½ years.  They all tend to be exaggerations of his own greatness or lies about reality shifting to his own version of reality which is, in fact, not real.  So, are there still some who believe he is honest?

Who’s left that believes Trump did not obstruct justice in the Russian election influence investigation?  Again, only those who have not read chapter 2 of the report.  Does anyone doubt that those efforts to end the investigation are anything other than felonies?

Who’s left that does not know the Russians did influence our election in favor of Trump? 

Who’s left that does not know that Trump does not support the US Constitution as he has sworn to do?

Who’s left that does not know if one speaks the truth to Trump one will either be fired or branded as anti-American or branded as attacking the President or labeled Fake News?

Who’s left that does not know Fox News is an entertainment network, not a news organization.  They can say anything they want to say just like Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood.  What they are is the Trump propaganda arm.

Who’s left that does not know Trump lost the presidential election popular vote to Clinton by 3 million votes?

Who’s left that does not know that Trump began the separation of immigrant children policy in 2017?

Who’s left that has any evidence that a wall will work to stem or discourage immigration?

Who’s left that believes we are being invaded by terrorists, thieves and murders?

Who’s left that believes unilaterally imposing tariffs is a good thing for our economy?

Who’s left that believes Trump is capable of multilateral collaborative international efforts, treaties and sanctions?

Who’s left that believes the increased output and declining unemployment are credited to Trump and not Obama?

Who’s left that believes Trump wants to serve the America people rather than cut services for the needy and increase the wealth of the greedy?

Who’s left that believes Trump supports our allies more than he is in awe of dictators?

Who’s left that believes Trump is not a racist?

Who’s left that believes Trump is not a serial sexual offender?

Who’s left that believes Trump is in office to serve the USA as a public servant rather than in office under the mistaken assumption he is CEO of America working to help himself, his family and the wealthy?

I do not want names.  I just want those who may be left to either learn how to read, how to think or to get professional help.

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