
Friday, March 1, 2019

The New Segregation Rules

Jim Crow is not dead.  He is alive, still in costume and still dancing.  The Methodist Church has helped resurrect him. 

Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in 1955.  Under the Jim Crow laws Blacks could ride the public bus but they must sit in the back and they must surrender their seat if a white person did not have a seat.  Rosa did not think that it was right to say she could ride the bus but she had fewer rights once on the bus.  The 1964 Civil Rights Act ended all that making segregation illegal, and declaring separate but equal facilities for Blacks were inherently unequal.

We have moved beyond laws and policies that segregate Blacks.  Current segregation is much more subtle.

But rejoice, we have a new group to discriminate against so all is well.  People who have the audacity to have sexual preferences different from the majority are now subject to discrimination.  They can ride the bus, but they cannot get married and they cannot be clergy.  These are the new segregation rules.  Methodists of course will be happy for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer people to come to church and give the church their money, but the enlightened Methodists now forbid them to fall in love and get married in the church, and heaven forbid that they may want to serve a god they love as a member of the clergy.  Jesus, who do they think they are?  Please move to the back of the bus!

Two thoughts on all this.  First, he says sarcastically, thank goodness that specifying what triggers sexual arousal in a person is subject to policy and rules developed by Methodists, and other denominations.  My goodness, we may have men attracted to brunettes instead of blondes, or girls attracted to smart boys instead of the jocks  And the courts have been granting private sector operations the right to discriminate based on these preferences for a while now.  Hence I do not go to Chic Fil A or Hobby Lobby or anywhere else where some nincompoop has argued that they should be able to discriminate against people based on sexual preference. Jesus hates you this I know for my Bible told me so.

Second thought is that if so called Christians want to enforce what they think is in the Bible then I am awaiting the day when they support stoning adulterers to death, or stoning to death those who have been divorced, or stoning to death those children who do not obey their parents, etc.  Nope, these Christians are just bigoted cowards hiding behind one interpretation of their Bible.  Perhaps they do not know that sexual preference is not contagious any more than racial identity.  If these so-called Christians proposed to enforce all the rules written in their bible we would all gladly become atheists just to survive.

Shame on you, Methodists.

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