
Monday, December 4, 2017

Give Trump a Chance?

I keep hearing the phrase, “Give Trump a chance”.  I just heard a pro-Trump author interviewed on the Today show and he said he loves Trump because he is so genuine.  So genuine?  He is a consummate liar.  And once more I wonder:

If we know Trump constantly lies and Joe supports Trump, what does that say about that Joe?

If we know Trump has sexually assaulted 16 women and Jill supports Trump, what does that say about Jill?

If we know Trump is a bigot and Sam supports Trump, what does that say about Sam?

If we know Trump sees women as sex objects and Sally supports Trump, what does that say about Sally?

If we know Trump cannot consistently bring himself to condemn the white supremacists and Mark supports Trump, what does that say about Mark?

If we know Trump has personally attacked members of the media, members of his own appointed cabinet, other heads of state, and anyone who dares disagree with him and Paula supports Trump, what does that say about Paula?

If we know Trump does not know history, geography, foreign policy or economics and Donnie supports Trump, what does that say about Donnie?

If we know Trump has appointed family members and people with no knowledge or experience to important government positions, and Sue supports Trump, what does that say about Sue?

If we know Trump is willing to share right-wing, white supremacist British videos known to be false and Brandon supports Trump, what does that say about Brandon?

If we know Trump continues to attack and blame Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama despite the fact that the election is over and he won, and Ann supports Trump, what does that say about Ann?

If we know tax payers are forking over millions for Trump’s golfing outings at his own properties and Paul supports Trump, what does that say about Paul?

If we know Trump was involved in collusion with Russians regarding his Presidential campaign and business dealings, and Carolyn supports Trump, what does that say about Carolyn?

And if knowing all the above anyone suggests that Trump is genuine, we should let Trump be Trump, and that he deserves to be given a chance, what does that say about such people who take that position? 


Give Trump a chance?  To do what?  Escape?

Hell no.

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